The quality of your vehicle's transmission can play a significant role in determining how well your car runs on a daily basis. Transmission damage can occur when this important mechanical component is subjected to high temperatures over time.

If you are looking for a simple way to ensure that your vehicle's transmission remains in good repair for as long as possible, preventing overheating should be a top priority. Here are three simple things you can do to curb overheating in your vehicle's transmission in the future.

1. Avoid sudden acceleration.

When you want to protect your vehicle's transmission from damage caused by overheating, avoiding sudden acceleration is a great place to start.

Giving your vehicle a significant amount of gas all at once (which is commonly referred to as a jackrabbit start) can create a lot of friction as parts that were standing still are asked to immediately spring into action before lubricating transmission fluid can permeate moving components.

Increased friction combined with an absence of lubricating fluid results in a buildup of heat that can damage your transmission. Instead of accelerating suddenly, try to ease your foot onto the gas pedal to slowly begin moving your vehicle forward.

2. Tune into shifting patterns.

Paying close attention to your vehicle's shifting patterns can also be a great way to reduce the likelihood that your transmission will be subjected to temperatures that cause overheating. When your vehicle's transmission shifts from one gear to the next, the amount of friction within the transmission temporarily increases.

Keeping your foot on the gas while these shifts occur can increase the workload of the clutch, increasing friction and the potential for overheating. When you are familiar with your car's shifting patterns, you can ease off the gas just before your vehicle shifts, preventing possible overheating in the future.

3. Install a transmission cooler.

If you really want to ensure that your transmission will not be subjected to any temperature that could result in overheating, it may be beneficial to invest in the installation of a transmission cooler. These components are designed to cool the fluid flowing through your vehicle's transmission rapidly, allowing this cooled fluid to recirculate through the transmission.

Because the fluid remains cool at all times, it can effectively dissipate any heat generated by friction within your car's transmission, effectively eliminating the potential for the transmission to overheat.

Keeping your transmission cool is essential when it comes to ensuring proper vehicle performance. To prevent transmission overheating avoid jackrabbit starts, ease off the gas before a shift occurs, and install a transmission cooler. If you're having trouble with your transmission already, consider contacting companies like Sterling Service Inc.
