You need to keep your diesel engine well maintained if you want your diesel vehicle to last as long as possible. Unfortunately, some vehicle owners make diesel maintenance mistakes that detract from the performance and longevity of their vehicles.

The following are six maintenance mistakes to avoid to keep your diesel engine in the best possible shape.

1. Allowing debris to build up in your engine

You need to keep a clean engine if you want your engine to operate efficiently and last a long time. When grime and dirt build up in your engine compartment, wear and tear on your mechanical components are more likely.

Keep your diesel engine's air, oil, and fuel clean so that you prevent debris buildup. 

2. Neglecting to change your fuel filter when necessary

Diesel needs to be run through a clean fuel filter in the engine to make sure it's clean. In fact, newer diesel engines will actually have two separate fuel filters. 

You need to know how many miles your fuel filters get. It's usually best to change both fuel filters at the same time for optimum fuel purity when your diesel engine is running. 

3. Running your engine with a low coolant amount

With a diesel engine, the coolant is probably one of the most important fluids to be concerned about. 

Coolant monitoring is highly important with diesel engines because coolant in such engines has a tendency to become increasingly acidic over time. This can wear away mechanical components in your engine. 

It's important to have your coolant tank refilled and to have your coolant replaced if its acidity levels rise. Monitor your coolant frequently to make sure it stays in good shape. 

4. Using the wrong air filter

How quickly you go through an air filter depends on the environment you're driving your diesel vehicle in. You should have your air filter periodically inspected to see if it's time for a replacement. A clean air filter helps to protect your diesel engine by keeping contaminants out. 

5. Neglecting oil changes

You need to know how often oil changes are recommended for your diesel vehicle. A lot of diesel vehicles are used for heavy-duty tasks like towing. Remember that heavy-duty vehicle usage necessitates more frequent oil changes. 

6. Not monitoring the performance of your diesel engine

Pay attention to how well your diesel vehicle is performing. It's important that you notice changes in factors like gas mileage and acceleration. Any notable changes in performance factors like these could indicate a mechanical problem that needs to be looked into. 

For more information, speak to companies like Truckwurx.
