Having properly functioning tires on your vehicle is important for both performance and safety. It is vital that you know the signs of when it's time to replace your tires to avoid potential accidents. Having bad tires can also negatively impact your vehicle's fuel efficiency.

Tread is worn

When the tread on your tires becomes too worn, you will begin to lose traction. It will also become easier for your tires to pop. Therefore, when the thread becomes too worn, you should purchase new tires.

Other tire damage

If there is any other obvious damage to your tires, you should buy new ones as soon as possible. Damaged tires that go undetected, or don't get replaced, can lead to serious accidents. Every once in a while, you should check your tires for any obvious damage. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, contact a tire specialist to inspect them, and possibly replace them.

Continuously low air pressure

If you find yourself continuously putting more air into one of your tires, you may have a slow leak. It's important that your tires maintain the air pressure levels that their manufacturer recommended at all times. Not only can it lead to a tire popping, but it also makes the vehicle less fuel-efficient. 

Age of tires

Since tires have such a large impact on the safety of your vehicle, they need to be in good condition at all times. Tires wear and become more susceptible to damage the longer you have them. After about 6 years, it is time for them to be replaced. After a few years, you should begin having them inspected periodically by a tire service professional.

The feel of your tires

If you start feeling like your car is driving differently, or you're feeling different vibrations that you're not used to, it may be your tires that are causing the problem. The way you feel your tires interacting with the road as you drive can be very telling. If you notice that it feels different when you drive, you should consider replacing your tires.

Weather changes

If the season is changing where you live, as well as the weather conditions, you must make sure that you have the proper tires. There are specially-designed tires available that are made to handle different climates. For example, if the snow season is starting where you live, you should replace your regular tires with winter tires. They will have better traction on snowy and icy roads. You also don't want to be using winter tires in the summertime, as it will negatively affect your driving performance.

For more information, contact a tire service in your area.
